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Famous People of the Bible

A series for children ages 2-5 that tells the story of some of the most well-known people from the Bible. With simple words and colourful illustrations, these books show the smallest kids why these biblical characters are indeed famous.

Text by Joy Melissa Jensen
Illustrations by Lu Simi

Age: 2-5

Board Books
Size: 80 x 100mm
Pages: 12
Full colour
Cover: 150gsm, greyback


ISBN: 9788772472607
Size: 370 x 340 x 45mm
Display with books: 24x2 books (totally 48 books)
Retail price: US $93.60

Noah and the Great Flood
Abraham Obeys God
Jacob Returns Home
Joseph Becomes a Ruler
Moses Leads His People
Joshua and the Walls of Jericho
Gideon and the Small Army
Ruth Takes Care of Naomi
Hannah Prays to God
Samuel Hears God's Voice
David Fights Goliath
Solomon The Wise King
Elijah and the Jar of Oil
Esther Saves Her People
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Jonah and the Whale
Mary Mother of a King
Jesus The Son of God
John the Baptist Prepares the Way for the Lord
Mary Magdalene A Woman Who Loved Jesus
Zacchaeus Meets Jesus and Repents
Martha and Her Sister Mary
Peter Walks on Water
Paul Preaches God's Word
Famous People of the Bible - Bedtime Bible Stories