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The Contemporary Bible Series - 12 volumes

The Contemporary Bible series covers the most essential stories and teachings of the Bible.

Colorful and dramatically illustrated, the new series gives children an opportunity to experience inspiring accounts from the Bible.

Text: CEV or Retold by Joy Melissa Jensen
Illustrations: Gustavo Mazali

Age: 6- 12
Pages: 64
Size: 240 x 164 mm
Full colour
Retail price: $9.99

Slipcase with 12 books
Slipcase retold: 9788771323726
Slipcase CEV: 9788772473246

Price of Slipcase: US $0.99

Noah and the People of Faith
Joseph and the Hebrews in Egypt
Moses and the People of God
Joshua and the Promised Land
Gideon and the Times of the Judges
David and the Kingdom of Israel
Elijah and the Great Prophets
Jesus and His Early Ministry
Jesus Teaches His Disciples
Jesus Makes Miracles and Heals People
Jesus is Risen
Paul and the Apostles Spread the Good News